
“Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention”


This quote epitomizes the creation and development of NUPHORIA cm.  Dr. Valerie Monteiro and Dr. John Coppola, founders of the “San Antonio Neuropathy Center” became frustrated with the standard medical care offered to patients suffering with Peripheral Neuropathy. These patients are inaccurately told, “The cause of your neuropathy is unknown. Once you have neuropathy – it’s permanent; you just need to learn to live with it”.

To make matters worse, patients are prescribed numerous medications (Gabapentin / Neurontin, Lyrica, Cymbalta, Hydrocodone, etc.) to treat their pain from neuropathy. The problem with this approach is that the medications do nothing to heal the nerves. At best, they only mask the pain, while the neuropathy continues to worsen. However, the real problem begins with the side effects created by these medications. In some cases, the side effects can be just as severe as the neuropathy, itself.

Unsatisfied with the standard conventional treatment, Dr. Monteiro and         Dr. Coppola, embarked on a journey to uncover the causes of peripheral neuropathy and effective treatments for this condition. Their research ultimately led them to write a book on the topic, “Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite of Your Doctor”. During the course of their research, they came across many clinical studies which revealed that specific nutrients, when administered in the proper dosage– along with synergistic co-enzymes, vitamins and minerals- have a powerful effect on healing the nerve damage associated with peripheral neuropathy. Initially, the doctors had to prescribe 4 or 5 different bottles of supplements to patients, in order to get the correct therapeutic blend of nutrients. Although the results were very positive, the cost was prohibitive for some and compliancy was an issue for those who didn’t like to take multiple pills every day. This led to the development of their own neuropathy formulation.  They're able to combine the perfect synergistic blend of nutrients- in one bottle- at a fraction of the cost, and with minimal pills to take each day. This formulation was named NUPHORIA cm. The results from NUPHORIA cm have been so astounding that it became part of the treatment foundation for all peripheral neuropathy patients at the San Antonio Neuropathy Center.