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Do You Need to Smoke Marijuana for Controlling Pain?
Posted by John Coppola on 23 Apr, 19

Is the struggle of managing daily chronic pain wearing you down? Whether you’re suffering from back, neck or joint pain; or you have burning, tingling, cramping, sharp-lightning bolt pain from peripheral neuropathy…You’re not alone.
One in four adults in the United States are afflicted with daily chronic pain, which can result from many different underlying disorders.
Types of Chronic Pain
- Arthritis
- Back or neck pain
- Joint pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Phantom limb pain
- Sciatica
Chronic pain management has become a major public health concern due to the significant increases in the use of opioids for pain relief. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that there has been an alarming growth in the number of opioids prescribed in the U.S., as well as, the overdose from those drugs. Which is the reason we have seen an astounding insurgence of CBD products on the market for pain.
People are looking for a safer way to control their pain without serious side effects or addictions. When you speak to people, typically you will find a split debate over the morality and efficacy of CBD. So let’s examine the difference between Marijuana vs. CBD (or hemp oil).
Hemp vs Marijuana
Cannabis has been used therapeutically by many cultures for many centuries. Both hemp and marijuana are part of the cannabis family (cannabis sativa) and many people confuse hemp with marijuana. The truth is there are significant chemical differences between the two. Let’s take a look at the differences.

First, hemp is used typically for industrial purposes. The thick fibers of the plant can be extracted and used for products like rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, insulation and even biofuel. On the other hand, marijuana is the strain of cannabis that is sought out for its recreational enjoyment and medical therapy. But, let’s face it…when we think of marijuana we think of ‘Cheech & Chong”; or (for those of you too young to know who Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are…) you may think of it as the plant that kids (or adults) use to get high.
Here’s the biggest difference between hemp and marijuana THC vs CBD:
Both TCH and CBD found in marijuana and hemp have the ability to reduce pain and inflammation. However, THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical component found in marijuana, is responsible for psychoactive symptoms-the feeling of getting high. CBD does not cause psychoactive symptoms (no sensation of getting high).
- Marijuana is very high in THC (up to 35%) and very low in CBD (cannabidiol)
- Hemp is very high in CBD with next to no THC (<1%)
For this reason, CBD has become the forerunner for treating pain, especially chronic pain. Scientific studies have found that CBD oil effectively reduces pain, inflammation and overall discomfort related to a variety of health conditions. In fact, studies on CBD oil and pain management have shown great promise. The studies have shown that CBD oil can offer a safer alternative to people suffering with chronic pain that have needed to rely on more dangerous, habit-forming medications like opioids.
Research studies spanning from 2008 to 2016 have shown that CBD oil is very effective in treating pain from the following conditions:

- Pain related to cancer and cancer treatment
- Arthritis pain
- Back pain
- Muscle spasms
- Neck pain
- Headaches, Migraines
- General joint pain
- Nerve pain
- Fibromayalgia
- Menstrual cramps
CBD oil has also been found effective in treating depression and anxiety.
Side Effects of CBD Oil
While many people experience great pain relief with CBD, there can be some side effects associated with taking CBD or hemp oil.
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue
Be aware that CBD oil can have adverse interactions with the medications. This can happen because CBD inhibits the cytochrome P450 enzyme. By inhibiting this enzyme, CBD can either reduce or increase the effects of other drugs, such as:

- Steroids
- Statins (Lipitor, Lescol, Mevacor, Pravachol, Crestor, Zocor, Livalo)
- Calcium channel blockers (Amlodipine/Norvasc, Verapamil/Calan, Diltiazem/Cardizem, Felodipine/Cardene)
- Antihistamines
- Prokinetics
- HIV antivirals
- Immune modulators
- Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, lorazepam)
- Antiarrythmics (Codarone, Tambocor)
- Antibiotics
- Anesthetics
- Antipsychotics (Abilify, Latuda, Seroquel)
- Antidepressants (Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro, Paxil)
- Anti-epileptics (Clonazepam, Gabapentin/Neurontin, Tegretol/Carbamazepine, Phenytoin)
- Beta blockers (Metoprolol, Atenolol, Carvedilol, Nadolol)
- PPIs (Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, Nexium, Dexilant)
- NSAIDs (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Celebrex)
- Angiotensin II blockers (Losartan/Cozaar, Valsartan/Diovan, Atacand, Teveten, Micardis, Benicar)
- Oral hypoglycemic agents (Metformin, Actose)
- Sulfonylureas (Glimepiride/Amaryl, Glyburide/Diabeta, Glipizide/Glucotrol
While it’s important to be aware of the potential risks of interactions between medications and CBD, it’s also important to remember that very few interactions between CBD and prescription medications have been reported outside of a research setting.
Be sure to talk to your doctor about CBD, as well as any other medications or supplements you’re taking, if you will be taking antibiotics. This way, your doctor will have the information they need to determine the right dosage for your prescription.

We have been asked many times what our stance is on CBD oil. After doing extensive research and examining the clinical studies, we feel that using CBD oil is a far safer alternative for chronic pain than the use of opioids.
We would only recommend taking CBD oil in the following mediums:
- Capsule
- Topical oil
- Oral Drops
We never recommend vaping with CBD oil due to the potential lung damage that vaping can cause.
Many of our patients have asked us about the difference between CBD oil for pain relief from neuropathy versus taking NUPHORIA cm Gold and Blue. I understand there’s a bit of confusion of which one to use, so let’s take a look at that.
NUPHORIA cm Gold and Blue
These formulas are specifically designed to repair and regenerate the damage done to peripheral nerves. During the nerve repair process, neuropathy symptoms will begin to decrease. This is purely because the nerves are mending (repairing). NUPHORIA cm is not designed to be solely a pain formula. You would not want to take NUPHORIA cm with the expectation that you will see a reduction in pain within 2-4 weeks. Now, for mild neuropathy sufferers, pain and symptoms may decrease within this time frame, but again, that’s due to the repair that is occurring at the level of the nerve.
Hemp or CBD oil does not repair peripheral nerve damage. However, the research has shown that it can be very effective with alleviating symptoms of neuropathy, such as, burning, numbness, tingling, sharp pain and cramping. Once you stop taking the CBD, your symptoms will return because the nerves are still damaged.
Which Should You Take: NUPHORIA cm or HEMP OIL
When battling peripheral neuropathy, you should take both NUPHORIA cm and HEMP (CBD) OIL. It’s important to manage the disabling symptoms of neuropathy. These symptoms can be so severe that they can destroy your quality of life. Hemp oil is a key player in pain management. However, it is equally as important to repair the damage done to the peripheral nerves. Without this repair, your condition will continue to worsen and so will your symptoms. That is what NUPHORIA cm is formulated to do: repair and regenerate damaged peripheral nerves.
This blog has been provided by Dr. John Coppola, D.C. and Dr. Valerie Monteiro, D.C. Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro are the founders of the San Antonio Neuropathy Center, and Precision Sport & Spine. They are the leading experts in the field of neuropathy and specifically drug free nerve repair. They are the authors of the critically acclaimed book "Defeat Neuropathy Now .... In Spite of Your Doctor. The doctors have over 25 years of clinical experience.
If you would like to reach the doctors regarding a specific health problem, you may email them at

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ANNA LEMBKE, MD; KEITH HUMPHREYS, PhD; and JORDAN NEWMARK, MD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, Weighing the Risks and Benefits of Chronic Opioid Therapy; Am Fam Physician. 2016 Jun 15;93(12):982-990.
Roger A. Rosenblatt, MD, MPH and Mary Catlin, BSN, MPH; Opioids for Chronic Pain: First Do No Harm; Annals of Fam Med. July/August 2012vol. 10 no. 4 300-301
Daniel Berland, MD, and Phillip Rodgers, M. University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Rational Use of Opioids for Management of Chronic Nonterminal Pain; Am Fam Physician. 2012 Aug 1;86(3):252-258.
Cannabis and cannabinoids. (2016).
Hammell, DC, et al. (2016). Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis.
Russo EB. (2008). Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain.
Volkow ND. (2015). The biology and potential therapeutic effects of cannabidiol.
Ethan B Russo. Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2008 Feb; 4(1): 245–259.
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