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Science Confirms Infrared Light Therapy Remarkable for Healing Nerves
Posted by John Coppola on 08 Aug, 18
What Is Neuropathy
Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition, whereby the nerves that carry messages from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body are damaged or diseased. Damage to these nerves can interfere with communication, and impair muscle movement, resulting in weakness or loss of balance. The nerve damage can, also cause abnormal sensations in the hands/arms and feet/legs. These sensations may be experienced as numbness, tingling, pins & needles, burning or an abnormal crawling sensation on the limbs.
Many times, the numbness can be so severe that people have stepped on a needle and had it lodged in their foot with no awareness. In other cases, people may report that it feels like they’re walking over hot coals.
In any case, all these people are usually told the same thing by their doctors. This disabling condition is permanent and there’s nothing that can be done to heal the nerves.
Well, the latest scientific research provides evidence to the contrary.
Hundreds of Clinical Studies Confirm the Efficacy of Low Level Infrared Light Therapy (LLLT)
Infrared energy has been around since the creation of the universe. In fact, you feel the infrared energy or heat daily, when you experience the warmth of the sunlight. However infrared light therapy has only been introduced into the medical community as a source of treatment since 1967 by Dr. Andre Mester.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) (also known as Near-Infrared light) has been well researched and backed by excellent results. As a result, it’s been used clinically for over 30 years in Eastern Europe and Asia to treat damaged nerves and a whole host of other conditions. Now it’s also gaining recognition in Canada.
There are 3 types of infrared: Far, Mid and Near. We are only interested in near infrared (~750-1000nm) for the purposes of light therapy, because it has the deepest penetration into the body allowing it to affect nerves.
Near infrared light therapy (or LLLT) has been approved by the FDA since the 1990’s. What’s incredible about LLLT is that it does not mask the symptoms of neuropathy; it actually promotes the healing of the nerve and other tissues.
Here’s How it Works:
The low level laser therapy works because of how cells react to it. When lasers are applied to cells, it is called photo-biostimulation. Cells seemingly "talk" to each other more via laser therapy. Photo-biostimulation promotes healing within nerves, tissues and wounds.

As Near Infrared light (LLLT) infiltrates the many layers of tissue in the body, it encourages nitric oxide (NO) production in the cells. Nitric oxide is a short-lived gas that is crucial to the health of your arteries. NO allows your arteries to relax thereby enhancing blood flow. This allows oxygen and other vital nutrients to be delivered to your tissues and nerves. NO does much more. It also regulates blood pressure, fights free-radicals and prevents platelets from clumping together.
Increased NO production lasts for several hours after application of the LLLT, which can dramatically increase circulation to injury sites and areas of chronic pain.
In addition to stimulating cell growth, another major benefit of low-level laser therapy is pain relief since lasers also have an anti-inflammatory property that reduces tissue swelling.
Infrared Therapy Scientifically PROVEN to Work for Neuropathy
In 2006, a clinical study comprised of *2239 people (average age of 73) suffering from foot numbness caused by Diabetes were treated with infrared photo energy (LLLT). More than 1000 of these people also experienced Neuropathy pain with a pain level of 7.2 out of 10.After an average of 18 treatments, neuropathic pain was reduced by 38% to 67%, while sensation loss (numbness, tingling, pins & needles, prickling, burning) showed a 77% improvement.
The study concluded:
“MIRE (Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy) appears to be associated with significant clinical improvement in foot sensation and, simultaneously, a reduction in neuropathic pain in a large cohort of primarily Medicare aged patients, initially diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy.” Patients in these two outcomes reported a significant improvement in their quality of life.

The best part is regardless of the cause of your nerve pain (an injury, infection, diabetes, chemotherapy, autoimmune disease etc.) – infrared light therapy is proven to help. In fact, this simple technology (also known as MIRE therapy – monochromatic infrared light energy) delivers the most effective pain relief available without a prescription.
Laser Requirements
Not all lasers are created equally, meaning there are specific requirements necessary for healing peripheral nerves.
Here are some basic requirements to look for when shopping for a laser:

- Infrared wavelength – 810 nm – 1000 nm
- FDA Cleared
- Covers large areas (to cover your legs/arms/hands etc.)
- Has a large amount of LED bulbs (more powerful)
The Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) we use in our clinic is made in the USA, is a true medical grade 890nm near infrared system that was cleared by the FDA in 1994 and is supported by peer-reviewed studies.
These studies were published in journals such as Diabetes care (proving efficiency for Diabetic Neuropathy) and Practical Pain Management.
Our units penetrate 200 mm into the body (~8 inches), which makes it excellent for nerve pain and other Neuropathy symptoms. Patients who developed neuropathy from the following causes have had remarkable results with our LLLT:
- Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN)
- Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)
- Statin Induced Neuropathy
- Medication induced (including fluoroquinolone antibiotics) Neuropathy
- Auto-Immune diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimotos)
- Surgery and injuries
- Alcohol induced neuropathy
- Toxin induced neuropathy
Who Can Benefit from LLLT for Neuropathy?
Infrared light therapy (also known as LLLT) has been proven effective for nerve pain and sensation-loss (numbness, tingling, burning, pins & needles) regardless of the root cause.
LLLT is beneficial for the following:
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Local Nerve pain
- Facial Nerve Problems
- Nerve pain from Chemotherapy
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Shingles
- Lyme disease
- Nerve pain from hypothyroidism
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Idiopathic Neuropathy
Why Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You about Infrared Treatments
Less than 1% of Physicians (including Neurologists) know how to heal damaged peripheral nerves. This is because most doctors, simply don’t have the time to keep up on the most current research. Instead, they rely on pharmaceutical representatives to update them. The reality is, here in the U.S. doctors are not exposed to the science of light therapy during their training, even though the benefits have been proven in over 1000 clinical studies.
If you’re suffering with the Burning, Numbness, Tingling or Pain of peripheral neuropathy and have lost ALL quality of life, there is HOPE. You Can Get Your Life Back. We’ve been able to help hundreds upon hundreds of people who were ready to give up and die. Don’t live with peripheral neuropathy any longer.
If you would like more information on Low Level Laser Therapy visit: Heal My Nerves
Most doctors simply treat the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy with the use of medications like gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta and even Tramadol. These medications do not heal the damaged nerves. They merely decrease the pain at best.
In parts of Europe and Asia, physicians have been using laser therapy and neurotrophic nutrients to repair and regenerate damaged nerves for over 30 years. Unfortunately, here in the U.S. less than 1% of Physicians (including Neurologists) know how to heal damaged peripheral nerves.
There are two reasons for this:
1. Pharmaceutical companies control the market and the competition.
- They hire 10 lobbyists for every senator in order to manipulate laws into their favor.
- Lyrica (pregabalin), Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Neurontin (gabapentin) have generated billions of dollars in revenue. The pharmaceutical companies are not interested in healing your damaged peripheral nerves when these medications are so profitable (by the way, without repair of the damaged nerves, these medications would be necessary for the rest of your life.).
2. The average doctor simply does not have the time to keep up on the most current research.
- The typical doctor is forced to rely upon pharmaceutical representatives to update them on research findings.
- Pharmaceutical companies are biased and will selectively choose which research to share with doctors. Of course, the research will always support the drug they are manufacturing.
The reality is, here in the U.S. doctors are not exposed to the science and technology of light therapy during their training, even though the benefits have been proven in over 1000 clinical studies.
If you’re suffering with the Burning, Numbness, Tingling or Pain of peripheral neuropathy and have lost ALL quality of life, there is HOPE. You Can Get Your Life Back. Don’t settle for being on harmful, addictive medication for the rest of your life.
This blog has been provided by Dr. John Coppola, D.C. and Dr. Valerie Monteiro, D.C. Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro are the founders of the San Antonio Neuropathy Center, and Precision Sport & Spine. They are the leading experts in the field of neuropathy and specifically drug free nerve repair. They are the authors of the critically acclaimed book "Defeat Neuropathy Now .... In Spite of Your Doctor. The doctors have over 25 years of clinical experience.
If you would like to reach the doctors regarding a specific health problem, you may email them at
- Acta Diabetol. 2006 May;43(1):26-33., The restorative effects of pulsed infrared light therapy on significant loss of peripheral protective sensation in patients with long-term type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus., Arnall DA1, Nelson AG, López L, Sanz N, Iversen L, Sanz I, Stambaugh L, Arnall SB.
- J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2005 Mar-Apr;95(2):143-7., Improved sensitivity in patients with peripheral neuropathy: effects of monochromatic infrared photo energy., DeLellis SL1, Carnegie DH, Burke TJ.
- Mester E, Spiry T, Szende B, et al. Effect of laser rays on wound healing. Am J Surg. 1971;122:532–535.
- Diabetes Care 2004 Jan; 27(1): 168-172. Restoration of Sensation, Reduced Pain, and Improved Balance in Subjects With Diabetic Peripheral NeuropathyDavid R. Leonard, MD, FACE, M. Hamed Farooqi, MD, FACE and Sara Myers, RN
- Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy; La Cross Vol. 27, Iss. 1, (2004): Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy and Physical Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy: Influence on Sensation, Balance, and Falls Kochman, Alan B.
- Journal Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, Volume 24, 2006; Effectiveness of Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy and Physical Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy: Changes in Sensation, Pain, and Balance. Wendy Vokertm, Ahmed Hassan, Mohamed A. Hassan, Vicki L. Smock, Justin P. Connor, Becky McFee.
- *J Diabetes Complications. 2006 Mar-Apr;20(2):81-7.Improved foot sensitivity and pain reduction in patients with peripheral neuropathy after treatment with monochromatic infrared photo energy--MIRE.Harkless LB1, DeLellis S, Carnegie DH, Burke TJ.
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